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Installation - Windows

Step 1:

Download MudKit from the download page.

Step 2:

Extract the contents of the zip file to a location of your choosing.  Copy the file to the following plugin directory:

<drive>:\Program Files\Autodesk\Mudbox<version>\plugins​

NOTE:  If you are updating from a previous version of MudKit (from version 2025 forward), simply replace the old MudKit plugin file with the new one. If you are updating to version 2025 from a previous version, such as 1.4.0, delete the previous version's custom plugin folder, remove the directory from PATH and follow the above installation instructions for version 2025.

Installation - Mac

Step 1:

Download MudKit from the download page.

Step 2:

Extract the contents of the zip file to a location of your choosing.  Copy the libMudKit.dylib plugin file to either of the two Mudbox plugin folders:





/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Mudbox<version>/Plugins

NOTE:  If you are updating from a previous version of MudKit, simply replace the old MudKit plugin file with the new one.

Step 3:

When you first open Mudbox, after installing MudKit, you will likely get a messoge similar to this: "libMudKit.dylib" could not be opened because the developer could not be verified.

After you get this message, go to the Security section of Settings >> Privacy & Security.  You should see a notice about "libMudKit.dylib" and how it was blocked.  Next to the notice, you will see a button entitled "Allow Anyway".  Select that button and you should be good to go.

Installation - Linux

Step 1:

Download MudKit from the download page.

Step 2:

Extract the contents of the zip file to a location of your choosing.  Copy the plugin file to the following plugin folder:


NOTE:  If you are updating from a previous version of MudKit, simply replace the old MudKit plugin file with the new one.

More Tutorials Coming (Hopefully Soon)

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